Investing in South Dakota's Beef Legacy

The South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation facilitates the generosity of the beef industry to educate and build trust with the state's consumers, ensuring the industry's long-term viability.

About South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation

The South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the beef cattle industry in South Dakota. Founded by a group of passionate cattlemen and women, our mission is to:

  • Educate consumers

    Educate consumers about the importance of beef in a healthy diet and sustainable food system.

  • Build trust

    Build trust between beef producers and the public through transparency and outreach.

  • Educate Industry Leaders

    Provide educational opportunities for the next generation of cattle industry leaders.

  • Facilitate charitable giving

    Facilitate charitable giving to address food insecurity across South Dakota.

Through innovative programs, community events, and partnerships with organizations like Feeding South Dakota, we work tirelessly to secure a bright future for South Dakota's beef industry.

Our Impact

Giving back is our passion, our purpose, and why our organization exists. The money we raise allows us to positively impact those we serve.



$135,000 in scholarships awarded to South Dakota college students.


Feeding South Dakota

$2,720,044 in beef protein purchased and distributed across South Dakota.


Fed Cattle Challenge

$18,000 awarded to Fed Cattle Challenge participants to recognize excellence and involvement in the program.

Join us at the

Prime Time Gala

Beef. Music. Community Impact.

Join the South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation's premier celebration of the beef industry. This black-tie gala features an upscale beef banquet, live music acts, auctions, and benefits Feeding South Dakota and youth scholarships.

Join the herd

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